Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

A four-leaf clover,
green shirt and mug of green beer.
Birthday tradition.


Janna Leadbetter said...

Top of the mornin'!
It's a double day for you.
Happy Birthday, hoo!

Adam said...

Once a year, Mel ages.
To commiserate, she then
gets pissed on green beer.

Happy birthday!


Melanie Hooyenga said...

Thank you, my dear friends.
No pissing on beer today,
just eating my cake. :)

Adam said...

In England, pissed means
"inebriated," or "drunk,"
as well as "peed on."


Melanie Hooyenga said...

Your vernacular
isn't lost on me, but my
joke is lost on you.

Adam said...

Apparently so!
I blame factors beyond my
control. Like denseness.



Nadine said...

Enjoy the green cake
Have a beer to celebrate
And sing a song too.

JLC said...

With each birthday, Mel
Burning candles will not tell
Your true age within.